What is 0MNINET
In a world where connectivity is fundamental, 0MNINET aims to make Internet access a right for everyone. We offer free and unlimited connections, allowing users to earn Omni Coins by participating in surveys and interacting with non-invasive advertising. These credits can be used for data, minutes, SMS, or to purchase products and gift cards. With eSIM technology, activation is immediate and without hidden costs. Each interaction offers you unique benefits, contributing to an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem. Join us and discover a connected and limitless future!

How does it works
Access a world where connectivity is free and unlimited. With 0MNINET, your data becomes the gateway to rewards, experiences, and extraordinary opportunities.
Let's start!
Are you going to participate in the digital revolution? Becoming an 0mninet user is easy, you just have to sign up and get your eSIM for free
Free data and minutes
Once you join us, you'll receive free data and minutes, to start navigating and calling.
It's not over! you can add more data and minutes by acting with our services, the more you interact the more you earn
Earn Credits While Staying Connected
In our app you can earn this innovative virtual currency: Omnicoin, with this coin you can purchase additional data and minutes, or even buying some products or gift cards! ​
Contribute to Change
Not just a user
become part of the digital revolution.
With 0mninet, every interaction helps build a more connected and accessible future.